Wednesday 26 August 2009

Where am I?

Could I be more disoriented?
When you're working, and you're a woman, you need your routine, to know what you're doing, what you're wearing, how you get there, how long it takes, what you do when you get there, stuff like that.
Missing all of the above.
Not sure what to wear. Yesterday, it was hot, so I wore a cotton skirt and sandals. Today it was cold when I left the house. Now it's hot. Is it hot at the office? Or cold? Don't know.
A jacket? Stockings? God no.
Yesterday, and the day before, I rode my bike to the Tube. Today, it was raining when I left the house. Ride my bike anyway? Carry my umbrella?
I need a small umbrella I can fit into my bag. I need to carry a cardy with me so I'm prepared when it suddenly gets cold. I need a back-pack to carry stuff in without hurting my shoulder. It's almost an hour on public transport -- at least fifteen minutes of that outside -- to get to my freelance job.
Not to mention what I do when I get there.
All new systems. All new work. All new people.
Where's the bathroom? Where do you get a sandwich for lunch?
How do you move this into that?
What is this? And that?
Not to mention London.
I've been gone for six weeks. Do I live here?
If so, how come I don't know anything?

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