Wednesday 2 September 2009

Swine flu

I didn't want to tell you this, but I think I've had the swine flu. Seriously.
I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd think, gimme a break, she's lying. She can't have been robbed AND had the swine flu.
I am not making this stuff up, I swear.
I got really sick when I was in Italy after my son and his back-packing friends showed up. My son was sick when he arrived, I got sick, and then two of his three friends got sick too.
We all had fevers and then a phlegmy cough that just went on and on.
I had a fever for five days actually, and then a cough for about three weeks. It's actually just going away now.
I know I'm not infectious anymore because I didn't give it to my second son when he came -- or my husband when I saw him again. Plus it's been almost a month now since my first symptoms.
So don't get mad at me for going to work. A girl's gotta work -- even if she is recovering from the swine flu.
How do I know it was the swine flu?
I don't for sure, but what other bad flu is going around Europe this summer? And since when do you get the flu in the summer when it's 90 degrees outside? (God I was hot in Italy when I had a fever. I needed to just lay under the fan without moving a few times.) And the guys had been to dance clubs all around Italy and Spain -- perfect place to catch it.
Good news is, I've had the swine flu, so I don't need to worry about getting it this winter here in England, when they're predicting everyone's gonna get it.
I've had it. It's not fun.
One less thing to worry about.

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